Single piece veneer. Face veneers are considered clear and free of defects with a light-uniform color. Inner cores are solid birch single piece veneers.
Single piece veneer. Face veneers allow 3-6 small color-matched patches on average and some light mineral streaks. Tight pin knots may be present. Inner cores are solid single piece veneers.
Single piece veneer. The “CP” veneers are downgraded from “BB” grade veneers, which allow for unlimited patches and sound knots, but does not allow for open defects. Inner cores are solid birch single piece veneers.
Single piece veneer. Face grade veneers allow unlimited sound knots and repaired splits and unlimited patches.
Patches, open knots, and small veneer splits allowed. Veneer lap and small core voids permitted. This panel is sanded and would be used for structural purposes.
C not sanded
Patches, open knots, and small veneer splits allowed. Veneer lap and small core voids permitted. This panel is not sanded and would be used for structural purposes.
Filmfaced plywood with smooth texture 120, 240 g/m2
Filmfaced plywood with wiremesh texture 120, 240 g/m2
Filmfaced plywood with wiremesh, large texture 120, 240 g/m2
Filmfaced plywood with wiremesh and pattern texture 120, 240 g/m2
Oriented Strand Boards, OSB3 - moisture resistant, mainly used for construction works.